
- Packaging Redesign -

Dior Paris Boutique Candle Packaging Design

Inspired by the architectural designs of Dior’s first boutique in Paris, the original design for the candle packaging had been done in a painting style. When the candle first launched it was the perfect nod back to the long heritage of the luxury brand and its craftsmanship. However over time it was apparent that a new modern approach was needed to better reflect the brand’s current day aesthetics.

Dior Candle Previous Design
Dior Paris Boutique Candle Packaging Design Flat Artwork

Rather than taking a completely different approach, I wanted to keep aspects of the original inspiration and keep a reminder of where the brand all started. Coming from an interior architecture background, the natural solution was to recreate a modern version architectural facade illustration of the store front in my own interpretation and style of artwork.

Original Painting to Left | Below Full Facade Illustration




Rose Inc